Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Anneli Rufus, author of "Stuck", outlines several reasons people have difficulty moving forward. I first noticed her book because of the cover, which displays a bee stuck onto a lollipop. It really captured my attention because it visually represented just how I had been feeling at that particular time in my life. I felt like my legs were unmovable. In fact, I had a recurring dream during that period that I was trying to walk but my legs would not move. I was trapped in my conscious and unconscious self!!

Needless to say, I was able to extricate myself from that quagmire but it sure would have been easier had I known about this book. She describes many situations and behaviors that hold us back in life such as the comfort of our past life, well-established habits, and dependence on others. As you read, it becomes very clear what actions or non-actions have prevented us from accomplishing important personal or professional goals.

As a Life Coach, helping others to identify those elements that keep them locked in an unfulfilled life is often the first step to moving forward. I recommend this book as a great place to start.